1-20 of 20 found


… random files checksum invalidation other random page corruption delayed WAL application more!testing get some testing going hard to test failures for failing the right way, but come up with ways to…


delay:The delay argument specifies the screen refresh time interval in seconds. This is provided for backwards compatibility, and overrides any interval specified with the -s flag.


pgmq.send( queue_name text, msg jsonb, delay integer DEFAULT 0 ) RETURNS SETOF bigint Parameters: | Parameter | Type | Description | | :— | :–– | :— | | queue_name | text | The name of the queue | |…


… <database socket> -u <database user> -x <database password> -s <delay of starting of new thread in milliseconds(default 300ms)> -t <terminals per warehouse. [1..

OmniPITR - omnipitr-restore

Check "Source specification" for more details. --recovery-delay (-w) Delay when recovering wal segments (in seconds). This is primarily used to keep window of safety before DELETE * FROM main_table…


… wal segment exists, and is ready to be restored ( vide --recovery-delay option). Handles also situations where there is finish request (both immediate and smart).


-s TIME, --set-delay=TIMESet the delay between screen updates to TIME seconds. The default delay between updates is 5 seconds.-T, --show-tagsList all available color tags and the current set of tests…

Automated Failure testing

Instead it sends a SIGINT to pid and introduces a short delay, with hopes that the signal will be received before the delay ends. You can use it to write cancellation tests. | | conn.

DiffStats and ExplainFull (DSEF)

There is sometimes a short delay in PostgreSQL after query completion and before stat updates become visible, so it helps to include a small pg_sleep() before getting the report if you are…

OmniPITR - omnipitr-backup-slave

… fail, omnipitr-backup-slave will retry 3 times, with 5 minute delay between tries. In case of errors when writing to local destination - it is skipped, and error is logged.

User Guide

Each of the DBT-2 drivers allows the tester to specify different delays for each transaction's keying and thinking time. The most common scenario is not factor in any time for keying or thinking.

User Guide

Each of the DBT-2 drivers allows the tester to specify different delays for each transaction's keying and thinking time. The most common scenario is not factor in any time for keying or thinking.

User Guide

Each of the DBT-2 drivers allows the tester to specify different delays for each transaction's keying and thinking time. The most common scenario is not factor in any time for keying or thinking.

User Guide

Each of the DBT-2 drivers allows the tester to specify different delays for each transaction's keying and thinking time. The most common scenario is not factor in any time for keying or thinking.

OmniPITR - omnipitr-backup-master

… fail, omnipitr-backup-master will retry 3 times, with 5 minute delay between tries. In case of errors when writing to local destination - it is skipped, and error is logged.


A delay between retries is highly recommendend and the length of that delay should be determined by how long a refresh run of the given table usually takes.

E-Maj - Change log

… tool to purge various emaj history tables, based on a retention delay. Change the internal way to register log sequence states. This has no impact for users. Minor coding changes.

Slonik Command Summary

In practice, TCP timeouts can delay critical configuration changes to actually happen in the case where a former forwarding node failed and needs to be bypassed by subscribers.

Example Guide On Setting Up Native Partitioning

Index & constraint creation can be delayed until after the data has been moved to speed up the migration. ``` CREATE TABLE public.new_regular_table ( col1 bigint not null GENERATED BY DEFAULT AS…

Index for schemadoc

pa_connretry integer The synchronisation delay, in secondsTables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:sl_listensl_subscribeIndex - Schema schemadocView: sl_seqlastvaluesl_seqlastvalue…