Python is a popular language to develop machine learning solutions. You may use this language to do some exploratory data analysis and write a model to do predictions over new data to your users. When you are satisfied with the results produced by your model you will deploy it, but this task can be time-consuming. With pgpyml you can easly use your model as an in-database solution and take the advantages of this approach.

Pgpyml is an extension that allows you to use your models written in Python inside PostgreSQL. You can make predictions directly on the data being inserted at your base, you can also create triggers to avoid insertions based on the predictions.

This extension is under development, designed to be compatible with sklearn and is not ready to be used in the production environment.

Table of Contents


This section will instruct you how to install the pgpyml extension. You must follow the Prerequisites section and chose the git installation instructions or the pgxnclient instructions. Once you the installation is done you can create the extension on you database.


First of all, you will need to install the python libraries that are used to write and run your machine learning models: pip3 install numpy scikit-learn pandas

This command you install the numpy, sklearn and pandas libraries. The pgpyml extension expects that you use sklearn to build your models.

You will need to install the python extension to PostgreSQL. You can do this with the command: ```

Replace the

apt -y install postgresql-plpython3-

Replace the <version> in the command with the Postgres version that you are using, for example, if you want to install the python extension to Postgres 13 use: apt -y install postgresql-plpython3-13

Install with Git

You can install the pgpyml with git, cloning the repository and running the instalation script. To do this, first clone the extension's repository:

git clone -b v0.1.0

Change the v0.1.0 to the desired version. And inside the downloaded folder run the make file: make install make clean

This should install the extension and make it available to be used in the Postgres.

Install with PGNXClient

Alternatively you can install the extension using the pgnxclient, you will need to install it if you don't already have it:

apt install pgxnclient

And then you can install the pgpyml extension with: pgxn install pgpyml

Creating the Extension

After you have installed the extension you can create it on your database. To do this, you need to connect to the desired database and create the python extension and the pgpyml:

```sql -- Python Language extension CREATE EXTENSION plpython3u;

-- The pgpyml extension CREATE EXTENSION pgpyml; ```

Now you are ready to use your machine learning model inside your database.

Using the Vagrant Machine

The pgpyml repository has a Vagrantfile that you can use to test this extension, the repository also include an example of how you can train and save a model. The example use the UCI Iris Dataset, with are also included in the repository.

To use the vagrant machine you can navigate to the vagrant folder and run: ``` vagrant up # Initiate the machine vagrant ssh # Acess the machine

Change the postgres user password

sudo passwd postgres

Login as postgres user

su - postgres

Change the database user 'postgres' password to access Postgresql with md5 password

psql ALTER USER postgres WITH PASSWORD 'new_password'; ```

After that you will be able to connect to Postgresql on host http://localhost:5555 through your host machine.

Although it is not necessary to use the vagrant file from the extension repository, the examples will be displayed using the paths of the virtual machine.

How to use

We will use the UCI Iris Dataset as example. We will split the data and use 70% of it as training samples and 30% to simulate new data. You should keep in mind that you this splitting is not the division commonly done in the training process, to test your model over unseen data, the iris_70 represents the data you have to train your model, so you should splitting it to train and test your model, while the iris_30 we will use to simulate new data beeing inserted on the database. Feel free to change this split ratio as you want.

You can train your python model with sklean and save it with joblib. You can use the repository script as example, but the core concept is:

```python from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeClassifier from joblib import dump, load

some code to load your data...

create the model

model = DecisionTreeClassifier()

train your model, y_train)

some code to evaluate your model...

Save the trained model

dump(model, './iris_decision_tree.joblib') ```

Alternativaly you can use the available model inside the repository.

You will also need to create an table to store your data:

```sql CREATE TABLE iris ( id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, sepal_length float, sepal_width float, petal_length float, petal_width float, class VARCHAR(20) -- column where the prediction will be saved );

-- Populate the table with the data used in the training process COPY iris(sepal_length, sepal_width, petal_length, petal_width, class) FROM '/home/vagrant/examples/iris/dataset/' DELIMITER ','; ```


After you trained your model you can use it inside postgres to predict new data. The function predict will load your model and apply it over the informed data. The predict function expects the trained model and the features to be classified.

The first argument is the path to your trained model, this path must be reachable by your Postgres server. The second argument is a list of features array, each element of the list will have an element on the output. The output are an text array with the predictions of your model.

sql predict( model_path text, -- Path to the trained model input_values real[] -- Features to be classified )


```sql -- Notice that the features are passed as a nested array SELECT * FROM predict( '/home/vagrant/examples/iris/models/iris_decision_tree.joblib', '{{5.2,3.5,1.5,0.2}}' ); -- Output: {Iris-setosa} (or any other class your model predict)

-- You can pass many features at once SELECT * FROM predict( '/home/vagrant/examples/iris/models/iris_decision_tree.joblib', '{{5.2,3.5,1.5,0.2}, {7.7,2.8,6.7,2.0}}' ); -- Output: {Iris-setosa,Iris-virginica} ```

There are also the function predict_int and predict_real that will cast the output to INT and REAL respectively. When you do a prediction the model will be loaded to the memory. If can also load it manually, read the Loading the Model section

Predicting stored data

Besides that you can also apply your model in the data that are already stored in your database. To do that you can use the predict_table_row function.

This function expects as the first argument the model you want to use, the second argument is the name of the table where the data is stored, the third argument is an array with the name of the columns that will be used as features by your model, and finally the forth argument is the id of the row you want to classify.

sql predict_table_row( model_path text, -- Path to the trained model table_name text, -- Name of the table where the data are stored columns_name text[], -- Array with the name of the columns that holds the features values id int -- ID of the row that will be predicted )


sql SELECT * FROM predict_table_row( '/home/vagrant/examples/iris/models/iris_decision_tree.joblib', -- The trained model 'iris', -- Table with the data '{"sepal_length", "sepal_width", "petal_length", "petal_width"}', -- The columns used as features 1 -- The ID of your data );

Predicting on new data

While it is interesting to use your models over stored data, it is likely that applying the models over new data entered by users is a more interesting feature. You can create a trigger to predict the data being stored by the user, to help you there are the classification_trigger function.

The function classification_trigger will create a trigger to classify the new data and store the prediction in the specified column on the table.

The first argument of classification_trigger function is the path to your trained model, the second one is the column name where you want to save the prediction of your model (must exists in the same table where your trigger is acting), and any other parameter passed after the second argument will be used as a column name where the feature data are stored.

```sql classification_trigger( model_path text, -- Model path column_where_the_prediction_will_be_saved text, -- Column name to save the result column_name_1 text, -- Feature 1 column_name_2 text, -- Feature 2 ..., -- more features column_name_n text, -- Feature n

) RETURNS trigger; ```


sql CREATE TRIGGER classify_iris BEFORE INSERT OR UPDATE ON "iris" FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE classification_trigger( '/home/vagrant/examples/iris/models/iris_decision_tree.joblib', -- Model path 'class', -- Column name to save the result 'sepal_length', -- Feature 1 'sepal_width', -- Feature 2 'petal_length', -- Feature 3 'petal_width'-- Feature 4 ); After creating the trigger you can insert new data on the table, and the result of the classification will be saved on the column specified in the second argument:

```sql -- Notice that the class is not being inserted, but will be added by the trigger function INSERT INTO iris (sepal_length, sepal_width, petal_length, petal_width) VALUES (5.2,3.5,1.5,0.2);

-- Check the last inserted row, it will have the column 'class' filled SELECT * FROM iris WHERE id = (SELECT MAX(id) FROM iris); ```

Aborting insertions based on the predictions

Sometimes you may want to avoid the insertion of some items that belongs to a specific class, like transactions identified as fraudulent, to this purpose you can use trigger_abort_if_prediction_is function to create a trigger to cancel the insertion of the undesired class.

The first argument of the function trigger_abort_if_prediction_is is the path to the model to be used, the second one is the class that should be avoided, it will cancel the insertion if the prediction is equals to this class. Any other argument will be used as colunms name to get the values to be predicted.

```sql trigger_abort_if_prediction_is( model_path text, -- Model path prediction_value_to_avoid mixed, -- Value to abort the transaction column_name_1 text, -- Feature 1 column_name_2 text, -- Feature 2 ..., -- more features column_name_n text, -- Feature n

) RETURNS trigger; ```


```sql CREATE TRIGGER abort_if_iris_setosa BEFORE INSERT ON "iris" FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE trigger_abort_if_prediction_is( '/home/vagrant/examples/iris/models/iris_decision_tree.joblib', 'Iris-setosa', -- avoid the insertion of Iris-setosa 'sepal_length', 'sepal_width', 'petal_length', 'petal_width' );

-- Insert a Iris-versicolor INSERT INTO iris (sepal_length, sepal_width, petal_length, petal_width) VALUES (6.0,2.2,5.0,1.5);

-- Try to insert a Iris-setosa, but will raise an exception INSERT INTO iris (sepal_length, sepal_width, petal_length, petal_width) VALUES (5.2,3.5,1.5,0.2);

-- Show the last inserted row, that should be the Iris-versicolor SELECT * FROM iris WHERE id = (SELECT MAX(id) FROM iris); ```

Allowing insertions based on predictions

In the same way, you may want to avoid insertions unless the row belongs to a specific class (e.g. only accept transactions classified as "trustful"). The function trigger_abort_unless_prediction_is can help you to achieve that, it will cancel the insertion unless the predicted class belongs to the specified class.

The first argument of the function trigger_abort_unless_prediction_is is the path to the model to be used, the second one is the class that is allowed to be inserted, any other class predicted will cancel the insertion. Any other argument will be used as colunms name to get the values to be predicted. The function signature are similiar to trigger_abort_if_prediction_is, but only predictions that match the second paremeter will be allowed.

```sql trigger_abort_if_prediction_is( model_path text, -- Model path prediction_value_allowed mixed, -- Value that is allowed column_name_1 text, -- Feature 1 column_name_2 text, -- Feature 2 ..., -- more feature column_name_n text, -- Feature n

) RETURNS trigger; ```


```sql -- Drop the other trigger if you have created it. -- DROP TRIGGER abort_if_iris_setosa ON iris;

CREATE TRIGGER abort_unless_is_iris_setosa BEFORE INSERT ON "iris" FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE trigger_abort_unless_prediction_is( '/home/vagrant/examples/iris/models/iris_decision_tree.joblib', 'Iris-setosa', -- only accept insertion if the prediction match this value 'sepal_length', 'sepal_width', 'petal_length', 'petal_width' );

-- Insert a new row (Iris-setosa) INSERT INTO iris (sepal_length, sepal_width, petal_length, petal_width) VALUES (5.2,3.5,1.5,0.2);

-- Try to insert a new row (Iris-versicolor), buit will raise an exception INSERT INTO iris (sepal_length, sepal_width, petal_length, petal_width) VALUES (6.0,2.2,5.0,1.5);

-- Show the last inserted row, that should be the Iris-setosa SELECT * FROM iris WHERE id = (SELECT MAX(id) FROM iris); ```

Predicting and inserting or aborting insertions

If you are following the examples you will notice that the class column is allways been filled, but the functions trigger_abort_if_prediction_is and trigger_abort_unless_prediction_is do not fill that column, the triggers generated by this functions only abort the insertion. The classification is been done by the classify_iris tigger, generated by classification_trigger function. If you drop this trigger and try to insert a new row, you will notice that the class column is NULL:

```sql -- Drop the classification triger DROP TRIGGER classify_iris ON iris;

-- If the 'abort_unless_is_iris_setosa' trigger still acting on the table you can insert a new Iris-setosa INSERT INTO iris (sepal_length, sepal_width, petal_length, petal_width) VALUES (5.2,3.5,1.5,0.2);

-- You will notice that the new row was inserted, but the class column is NULL SELECT * FROM iris WHERE id = (SELECT MAX(id) FROM iris); ```

The trigger_abort_* function are designed only to cancel operations, but some times can be useful to save the prediction if the operations succeeds. You can do that using this functions in combination with classification_trigger, but the pgpyml extension offers you functions to generate trigger that do both actions at once, this way you can create a single trigger to avoid undesired insertions and save the classification if it succeeds. To do that you can use the functions trigger_classification_or_abort_if_prediction_is and trigger_classification_or_abort_unless_prediction_is:

```sql -- Drop the trigger if needed -- DROP TRIGGER abort_unless_is_iris_setosa ON iris;

-- Create a new trigger to classify the data or abort if needed CREATE TRIGGER abort_unless_is_iris_setosa BEFORE INSERT ON "iris" FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE trigger_classification_or_abort_unless_prediction_is( '/home/vagrant/examples/iris/models/iris_decision_tree.joblib', 'class', -- column where the prediction will be stored 'Iris-setosa', -- avoid the insertion of iris-setosa 'sepal_length', 'sepal_width', 'petal_length', 'petal_width' );

-- If you try to insert a Iris-versicolor it will fail INSERT INTO iris (sepal_length, sepal_width, petal_length, petal_width) VALUES (6.0,2.2,5.0,1.5);

-- Insert an Iris-setosa INSERT INTO iris (sepal_length, sepal_width, petal_length, petal_width) VALUES (5.2,3.5,1.5,0.2);

-- The 'class' column will be filled SELECT * FROM iris WHERE id = (SELECT MAX(id) FROM iris); ```

The trigger_classification_or_abort_if_prediction_is and trigger_classification_or_abort_unless_prediction_is accept the same paremeters, the first one is the path to the model that will do the predictions, the second one the name of the column that will store the prediction, the thrid value is the prediction expected, and the others parameters will be used as columns name to get the values used in the prediction.