Postgres Message Queue (PGMQ)

Latest Version

PGMQ is a lightweight, distributed message queue. It's like AWS SQS and RSMQ but native to Postgres.

Message queues allow you to decouple and connect microservices. Send, store, and receive messages between components scalably, without dropping messages or needing other services to be available.

PGMQ was created by Tembo. Our goal is to make the full Postgres ecosystem accessible to everyone. We're building a radically simplified Postgres platform designed to be developer-first and easily extensible. PGMQ is a part of that project.

This project contains two APIs, a pure Rust client side library and the Rust SDK wrapped around the Postgres extrension. The APIs aim to be identical, but the extension wrapper has advantages including; - performance - support for partitioned queues - metrics

The pure Rust client rust use pgmq::PGMQueue;

And a Rust SDK wrapped around the Postgres extension.

rust use pgmq::PGMQueueExt;

Not building in Rust? Try the Tembo pgmq Postgres extension.


  • Lightweight - Rust and Postgres only
  • Guaranteed delivery of messages to exactly one consumer within a visibility timeout
  • API parity with AWS SQS and RSMQ
  • Messages stay in the queue until deleted
  • Messages can be archived, instead of deleted, for long-term retention and replayability
  • Completely asynchronous API

Quick start

  • First, you will need Postgres. We use a container in this example.

bash docker run -d --name postgres -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=postgres -p 5432:5432 postgres

  • If you don't have Docker installed, it can be found here.

  • Make sure you have the Rust toolchain installed:

bash cargo --version

  • This example was written with version 1.67.0, but the latest stable should work. You can go here to install Rust if you don't have it already, then run rustup install stable to install the latest, stable toolchain.

  • Change directory to the example project: bash cd examples/basic

  • Run the project!

bash cargo run

Minimal example at a glance

```rust use pgmq::{errors::PgmqError, Message, PGMQueue}; use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize}; use serde_json::Value;


async fn main() -> Result<(), PgmqError> {

// Initialize a connection to Postgres
println!("Connecting to Postgres");
let queue: PGMQueue = PGMQueue::new("postgres://postgres:postgres@".to_owned())
    .expect("Failed to connect to postgres");

// Create a queue
println!("Creating a queue 'my_queue'");
let my_queue = "my_example_queue".to_owned();
    .expect("Failed to create queue");

// Structure a message
#[derive(Serialize, Debug, Deserialize)]
struct MyMessage {
    foo: String,
let message = MyMessage {
    foo: "bar".to_owned(),
// Send the message
let message_id: i64 = queue
    .send(&my_queue, &message)
    .expect("Failed to enqueue message");

// Use a visibility timeout of 30 seconds
// Once read, the message will be unable to be read
// until the visibility timeout expires
let visibility_timeout_seconds: i32 = 30;

// Read a message
let received_message: Message<MyMessage> = queue
    .read::<MyMessage>(&my_queue, Some(&visibility_timeout_seconds))
    .expect("No messages in the queue");
println!("Received a message: {:?}", received_message);

assert_eq!(received_message.msg_id, message_id);

// archive the messages
let _ = queue.archive(&my_queue, &received_message.msg_id)
    .expect("Failed to archive message");
println!("archived the messages from the queue");

} ```

Sending messages

You can send one message at a time with queue.send() or several with queue.send_batch(). These methods can be passed any type that implements serde::Serialize. This means you can prepare your messages as JSON or as a struct.

Reading messages

Reading a message will make it invisible (unavailable for consumption) for the duration of the visibility timeout (vt). No messages are returned when the queue is empty or all messages are invisible.

Messages can be parsed as serde_json::Value or into a struct. returns an Result<Option<Message<T>>, PGMQError> where T is the type of the message on the queue. It returns an error when there is an issue parsing the message or if PGMQ is unable to reach postgres. Note that when parsing into a struct, the operation will return an error if parsed as the type specified. For example, if the message expected is MyMessage{foo: "bar"} but {"hello": "world"} is received, the application will panic.

Read a single message with or as many as you want with queue.read_batch().

Archive or Delete a message

Remove the message from the queue when you are done with it. You can either completely .delete(), or .archive() the message. Archived messages are deleted from the queue and inserted to the queue's archive table. Deleted messages are just deleted.

Read messages from the queue archive with SQL:

sql SELECT * FROM pgmq_{your_queue_name}_archive;

License: Apache-2.0