pg_task 2.0.9

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pg_task 2.0.9
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pg_task 2.1.4 —
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PostgreSQL task
PostgreSQL and Greenplum job scheduler pg_task allows to execute any sql command at any specific time at background asynchronously
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pg_task 2.0.9


PostgreSQL and Greenplum job scheduler pg_task allows to execute any sql command at any specific time at background asynchronously

pg_task config

to run pg_task add it to line conf shared_preload_libraries = 'pg_task'

by default pg_task 1) executes conf pg_task.count = 1000 tasks until exit

2) uses database conf = 'postgres' 3) deletes task if output is null conf pg_task.delete = 'on' 4) uses in output delimiter conf pg_task.delimiter = '\t' 5) uses drift conf pg_task.drift = 'on' 6) groupes tasks by conf = 'group' 7) prints headers in output conf pg_task.header = 'on' 8) processes tasks conf = '1 hour' before exit

9) executes simultaniously conf pg_task.max = 0 tasks

10) prints null in output as conf pg_task.null = '\N'

11) uses schema conf pg_task.schema = 'public' for tasks

12) prints only strings in quotes in output conf pg_task.string = 'on' 13) uses table conf pg_task.table = 'task' for tasks

14) uses sleep timeout conf pg_task.sleep = 1000 milliseconds

15) uses user conf pg_task.user = 'postgres'

by default pg_task run on default database with default user with default schema with default table with default timeout

to run specific database and/or specific user and/or specific schema and/or specific table and/or specific timeout, set config (in json format) conf pg_task.json = '[{"data":"database1"},{"data":"database2","user":"username2"},{"data":"database3","schema":"schema3"},{"data":"database4","table":"table4"},{"data":"database5","timeout":100}]'

if database and/or user and/or schema and/or table does not exist then pg_task create it/their

pg_task using

by default pg_task create table with folowing columns

id bigserial - primary key

parent bigint - parent task (if exists)

plan timestamp - planned time of start

start timestamp - actual time of start

stop timestamp - actual time of stop

group text - task groupping

max int - maximum concurently tasks in group

pid int - id of process executing task

input text - sql to execute

output text - received result

error text - occured error

state state - PLAN, TAKE, WORK, DONE or STOP

timeout interval - allowed time to run

delete boolean - autodelete (if output is null)

repeat interval - autorepeat interval

drift boolean - see below

count integer - maximum tasks executed by current worker

live interval - maximum time of live of current worker

remote text - connect to remote database (if need)

but you may add any needed colums and/or make partitions

to run task more quickly execute sql command sql INSERT INTO task (input) VALUES ('SELECT now()')

to run task after 5 minutes write plannded time sql INSERT INTO task (plan, input) VALUES (now() + '5 min':INTERVAL, 'SELECT now()')

to run task at specific time so write sql INSERT INTO task (plan, input) VALUES ('2029-07-01 12:51:00', 'SELECT now()')

to repeat task every 5 minutes write sql INSERT INTO task (repeat, input) VALUES ('5 min', 'SELECT now()')

if write so sql INSERT INTO task (repeat, input, drift) VALUES ('5 min', 'SELECT now()', false) then repeat task will start after 5 minutes after task done (instead after planned time as default)

if exception occures it catched and writed in error as text sql INSERT INTO task (input) VALUES ('SELECT 1/0')

if some group needs concurently run only 2 tasks then use command sql INSERT INTO task (group, max, input) VALUES ('group', 1, 'SELECT now()')

if in this group there are more tasks and they are executing concurently by 2 then command sql INSERT INTO task (group, max, input) VALUES ('group', 2, 'SELECT now()') will execute task as more early in this group (as like priority)

to run task on remote database use sql command sql INSERT INTO task (input, remote) VALUES ('SELECT now()', 'user=user host=host')