Unit Tests

To build the unit tests, execute:

cd ../mapcodelib
gcc -DDEBUG -O -c mapcoder.c
cd ../test
gcc -DDEBUG -O -DDEBUG unittest.c -lm -lpthread -o unittest ../mapcodelib/mapcoder.o

To execute the tests, simply execute:


Using valgrind to Detect Memory Leaks

Compile and run as follows to use valgrind (http://valgrind.org) to detect memory leaks:

cd ../mapcodelib
gcc -g -O0 -c mapcoder.c
cd ../test
gcc -g -O0 unittest.c -lm -lpthread -o unittest ../mapcodelib/mapcoder.o
valgrind --leak-check=yes ./unittest 

Using the Address Sanitizer (from CLang) to Detect Memory Errors

Or, add -fsanitize=address to run the address sanitizer:

cd ../mapcodelib
gcc -O -c mapcoder.c
cd ../test
gcc -O unittest.c -lm -lpthread -fsanitize=address -o unittest ../mapcodelib/mapcoder.o

And add the environment variable ASAN_OPTIONS to your shell:


Using gprof to Profile the Library

Compile and run as follows to use gprof to profile the library:

cd ../mapcodelib
gcc -g -O0 -c mapcoder.c -pg
cd ../test
gcc -g -O0 unittest.c -lm -lpthread -o unittest ../mapcodelib/mapcoder.o -pg

Using gcov to Show Test Coverage

Compile and run as follows to use gcov to show test coverage for the libray:

cd ../mapcodelib
gcc -fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage -O0 -c mapcoder.c 
cd ../test
gcc  -fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage -O0 unittest.c -lm -lpthread -o unittest ../mapcodelib/mapcoder.o -pg
cd ../mapcodelib
gcov mapcoder.c
cd ../test
gcov unittest.c

The test coverage reports are the *.gcov text files.

Using Microsoft Visual C++

If you use Microsoft Visual C++, you may need to add the following defines to your preprocessor settings: