hyperloglog_estimator 1.2.6

This Release
hyperloglog_estimator 1.2.6
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Estimates number of distinct elements in a data set (aggregate and a data type).
Provides an alternative to COUNT(DISTINCT) aggregate, computing an estimate of number of distinct values, and a data type that may be used within a table (and updated continuously). This implementation is based on HyperLogLog algorithm, an enhancement of LogLog (see the paper 'HyperLogLog: the analysis of near-optimal cardinality estimation algorithm' by Flajolet, Fusy, Gandouet and Meunier, published in 2007).
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hyperloglog_counter 1.2.6


HyperLogLog Estimator

This is an implementation of HyperLogLog algorithm as described in the paper "HyperLogLog: the analysis of near-optimal cardinality estimation algorithm", published by Flajolet, Fusy, Gandouet and Meunier in 2007. Generally it is an improved version of LogLog algorithm with the last step modified, to combine the parts using harmonic means.

This is not the only (or first) PostgreSQL extension implementing the HyperLogLog estimator - since 2013/02 there's postgresql-hll It's a nice mature extension, so you may try it. I plan to write some article comparing the pros/cons of the two implementations eventually.

Contents of the extension

The extension provides the following elements

  • hyperloglog_estimator data type (may be used for columns, in PL/pgSQL)

  • functions to work with the hyperloglog_estimator data type

    • hyperloglog_size(error_rate real)
    • hyperloglog_init(error_rate real)

    • hyperloglog_add_item(counter hyperloglog_estimator, item anyelement)

    • hyperloglog_get_estimate(counter hyperloglog)

    • hyperloglog_reset(counter hyperloglog)

    • length(counter hyperloglog_estimator)

    The purpose of the functions is quite obvious from the names, alternatively consult the SQL script for more details.

  • aggregate functions

    • hyperloglog_distinct(anyelement, real)
    • hyperloglog_distinct(anyelement)

    where the 1-parameter version uses default error rate 2%. That's quite generous and it may result in unnecessarily large estimators, so if you can work with lower precision, supply your error rate.


Using the aggregate is quite straightforward - just use it like a regular aggregate function

db=# SELECT hyperloglog_distinct(i, 0.01)
     FROM generate_series(1,100000) s(i);

and you can use it from a PL/pgSQL (or another PL) like this:

DO LANGUAGE plpgsql $$
    v_counter hyperloglog_estimator := hyperloglog_init(32, 0.025);
    v_estimate real;
    PERFORM hyperloglog_add_item(v_counter, 1);
    PERFORM hyperloglog_add_item(v_counter, 2);
    PERFORM hyperloglog_add_item(v_counter, 3);

    SELECT hyperloglog_get_estimate(v_counter) INTO v_estimate;

    RAISE NOTICE 'estimate = %',v_estimate;

And this can be done from a trigger (updating an estimate stored in a table).


Be careful about the implementation, as the estimators may easily occupy several kilobytes (depends on the precision etc.). Keep in mind that the PostgreSQL MVCC works so that it creates a copy of the row on update, an that may easily lead to bloat. So group the updates or something like that.

This is of course made worse by using unnecessarily large estimators, so always tune the estimator to use the lowest amount of memory.