
In order to build and test your changes, simply run ./scripts/develop.

Documentation is generated from the sql files, using the script scripts/documentaion (requires poetry).

Release Process

  1. Update version number
    • Don’t follow semver, simply use major and minor from H3 core and increment patch.
    • Version number should be changed in root CMakeLists.txt.
    • Update files (and cmake references) suffixed --unreleased should be renamed.
    • Installer .sql files should have @ availability comments updated.
    • Update changelog by moving from Unreleased to a new section
    • Push and merge changes in release-x.y.z branch.
  2. Create a release on GitHub
    • Draft new release “vX.Y.Z”
    • Copy entry into release description
  3. Distribute the extension on PGXN
    • Run scripts/bundle to package the release
    • Upload the distribution on PGXN Manager
  4. Prepare for development
    • Set INSTALL_VERSION to unreleased in root CMakeLists.txt.
    • Create new update files with --unreleased suffix.
    • Add them to relevant CMakeLists.txt files.