Aggregates to return first or last values/rows
This extension provides four aggregates:
- first(anyelement)
- first(anyelement, int4)
- last(anyelement)
- last(anyelement, int4)
Which return respectively first or last values in given column. In case
two-argument version is used, it will return up to this value elements,
as array.
It can be loaded by any user, as it only uses SQL language.
Building and install
Obtain sources:
- from github:
- or from PGXN:
Run (in top directory):
$ make install
or, if you have pgxn client installed, just:
$ pgxn install first_last
Then, in PostgreSQL you can do:
$ CREATE EXTENSION first_last;
$ CREATE SCHEMA first_last;
$ CREATE EXTENSION first_last WITH SCHEMA first_last;
Afterwards, you can use provided function (optionally prefixing it with
schema name) in your queries.
In example below, I assume you created the extension in public schema,
or you added its schema to search_path.
Get 5 largest tables and indexes with their base size:
first( relname, 5 order by relpages desc ) as names,
first( relpages, 5 order by relpages desc ) as sizes
from pg_class
where relkind in ('r', 'i')
group by relkind;
-[ RECORD 1 ]-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
relkind | i
names | {pg_depend_reference_index,pg_depend_depender_index,pg_proc_proname_args_nsp_index,pg_description_o_c_o_index,pg_attribute_relid_attnam_index}
sizes | {44,40,32,21,13}
-[ RECORD 2 ]-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
relkind | r
names | {pg_proc,pg_depend,pg_attribute,pg_description,pg_statistic}
sizes | {73,54,47,34,16}
Similarly you can use last(). If you want to return just one value, it's
better to use single-argument version of the aggregates, as it will be
slightly faster.
Hubert depesz Lubaczewski