

A really quick howto.

The CockroachDB scripts makes use of PostgreSQL's psql client program and libpq C client library interface, thus any environment variables that libpq would use. See dbt2_profile for examples of what environment variables that may be used.

The run script currently only support handling CockroachDB installations that are already setup. i.e. script do not handle installing or initialization a database instance.

Create a 1 warehouse database by running dbt2-cockroach-build-db:

dbt2-cockroach-build-db -w 1 -l 26257

Flag description:

-d <dir> -  Location for data files to load.
-w #     -  Set the warehouse scale factor.

Additional flags:

-h            -  Help.
-r            -  Drop the database before loading, for rebuilding the

Run a test a 2 minute, 1 warehouse test:

dbt2-run -a cockroach -c 10 -d 120 -w 1 -o /tmp/results