Upgrading Cyan Audit

To upgrade Cyan Audit between versions with no upgrade sql script, please follow these directions precisely:

  1. Make sure you've backed up the enabled state of your audit_fields

    CREATE TABLE tb_audit_field_backup AS
    SELECT * FROM cyanaudit.tb_audit_field;
  2. Run the old version of cyanaudit_log_rotate.pl

  3. Run the new version of cyanaudit_dump.pl and let it complete

  4. As user postgres, block all other connections to database:

    SELECT pg_terminate_backend(pid)
      FROM pg_stat_activity
     WHERE usename != 'postgres'
       AND datname = '<yourdb>';

    Any changes made by connected superusers will not be logged.

  5. Run the old version of cyanaudit_log_rotate.pl AGAIN

  6. Run the new version of cyanaudit_dump.pl AGAIN

  7. Install the files for the new version of Cyan Audit using make install from the base directory of the extracted tar.gz file.

  8. As superuser, drop the old schema:

    DROP SCHEMA cyanaudit CASCADE;
  9. Install the cyanaudit code in your database:

    psql -d <yourdb> -U postgres -f cyanaudit.sql
    > SELECT cyanaudit.fn_update_audit_fields('public'); --run on all logged schemas
  10. Reenable connections to your database:

  11. Set up cyanaudit.archive_tablespace GUC:

    UPDATE cyanaudit.tb_config SET value = 'big_slow' WHERE name = 'archive_tablespace';
  12. Restore audit_field states:

    UPDATE cyanaudit.tb_audit_field af
       SET enabled = afb.enabled
      FROM tb_audit_field_backup afb
     WHERE afb.table_schema = af.table_schema
       AND afb.table_name = af.table_name
       AND afb.column_name = af.column_name;
  13. Restore old backups using the new cyanaudit_restore.pl

  14. Finish configuring other cyanaudit settings in tb_config;