

To use BedquiltDB, you will need the following:

  • A PostgreSQL database server, at least version 9.4
  • The pgcrypto extension, which is usually included with PostgreSQL
  • The plpython3u extension, which can usually be installed from your package manager


Download the latest release from pgxn, unzip it, then run the install task to install to the local PostgreSQL installation: $ sudo make install

You may need to install the postgres server-dev packages in order for this to work. On ubuntu, install the postgresql-server-dev-<VERSION> package.

Alternatively, you can build a docker image containing a PostgreSQL server with BedquiltDB pre-installed, using our example Dockerfile.

If you have any trouble with installing BedquiltDB, please do open an issue, or ask for help in our Gitter chat channel.

Enable the extension

Once the extension is installed on the server, it needs to be enabled on the database you intend to use: CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS pgcrypto; CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS plpython3u; CREATE EXTENSION bedquilt;

The various functions that make up bedquilt should be available on the database, and you are ready to connect a client driver.

You can run a simple test with this query:

sql select bq_find('test', '{}');

If the query doesn't crash, then bedquilt-core is installed and ready to use.

Next steps

Now you can install a client library (such as pybedquilt), read the BedquiltDB Guide and start using BedquiltDB.