Contributing to Citus

We're happy you want to contribute! You can help us in different ways:

  • Open an issue with suggestions for improvements
  • Fork this repository and submit a pull request

As with the majority of major open source projects, we ask that Citus contributors sign a Contributor License Agreement (CLA). We know that this creates a bit of red tape, but also believe that it is the best way to create total transparency around your rights as a contributor and the most effective way of protecting you as well as Citus Data as the company behind the open source project.

If you plan on contributing to Citus, please follow these instructions for signing our CLA

Getting and building


  1. Install XCode
  2. Install packages with homebrew

    bash brew update brew install git openssl postgresql brew link openssl --force

  3. Get the code

    bash git clone

  4. Build and test

    bash cd citus ./configure make sudo make install cd src/test/regress make check-multi