1-27 of 27 found


This port provides a read-only Postgres FDW to PostgreSQL servers in the 9.2 series. It is a port of the official postgres_fdw contrib module available in PostgreSQL version 9.3 and later.


ODBC FDW (beta) for PostgreSQL 9.1+ =================================== This PostgreSQL extension implements a Foreign Data Wrapper (FDW) for remote databases using Open Database Connectivity(ODBC)…


CouchDB FDW (beta) for PostgreSQL 9.1+ ====================================== This PostgreSQL extension implements a Foreign Data Wrapper (FDW) for the CouchDB document-oriented database…


org/sim51/neo4j-fdw.svg?branch=master["Build Status", link="https://travis-ci.org/sim51/neo4j-fdw"] == Purpose Neo4jPg is a foreign data wrapper for Postgresql.


MultiCDR FDW =================== Foreign Data Wrapper for representing CDR files stream as an external SQL table. CDR files from a directory can be read into a table with a specified field-to-column…


Redis FDW for PostgreSQL 9.1+ ============================== This PostgreSQL extension implements a Foreign Data Wrapper (FDW) for the Redis key/value database: http://redis.


Also,since the JVM being used in jdbc fdw is created only once for the entire psql session,therefore,the first query issued that uses jdbc fdw shall set the value of maximum heap size of the JVM(if…


… This PostgreSQL extension implements a Foreign Data Wrapper (FDW) for [MySQL][1]. Please note that this version of mysql_fdw only works with PostgreSQL Version 9.


… library contains a PostgreSQL extension, a Foreign Data Wrapper (FDW) handler of PostgreSQL which provides easy way for interacting with different web-services.


html ### Other FDWs - https://wiki.postgresql.org/wiki/Fdw - https://pgxn.org/tag/fdw/ If you appreciate PostgreSQL's `psql` client, why not try `fbsql`, a `psql`-style client for Firebird? See…


travis-ci.org/pramsey/pgsql-ogr-fdw.png)](http://travis-ci.org/pramsey/pgsql-ogr-fdw) # PostgreSQL OGR Foreign Data Wrapper ## Motivation OGR is the vector half of the [GDAL](http://www.gdal.


MongoDB FDW for PostgreSQL 9.2 ============================== This PostgreSQL extension implements a Foreign Data Wrapper (FDW) for MongoDB.


html ### Other FDWs - https://wiki.postgresql.org/wiki/Fdw - https://pgxn.org/tag/fdw/ License ------- Copyright (c) 2018, TOSHIBA CORPORATION Copyright (c) 2011 - 2016, EnterpriseDB Corporation…


… This PostgreSQL extension implements a Foreign Data Wrapper (FDW) for JSON files. The extension doesn't require any data to be loaded into the database, and supports analytic queries against array…


… "Openstreetmap pbf foreign data wrapper") (FDW) for reading [Openstreetmap PBF](http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/PBF_Format "Openstreetmap PBF") file format (*.osm.


## INSERT INTO statement This FDW supports `INSERT INTO` statement. With `atomic_import` is `false`, the FDW imports INSERTed rows as follows. 1.


… contains a single PostgreSQL extension, a Foreign Data Wrapper (FDW) handler of PostgreSQL which fetches text messages from Twitter over the Internet and returns as a table.


postgresql.org/docs/current/static/postgres-fdw.html). Having foreign server definitions and user mappings makes for cleaner function invocations.


… object 'metrics', step '10m' ); ``` ## Queries To simply run the fdw and look at values ```sql SELECT * FROM metrics WHERE metric_name='container_cpu_usage_seconds_total' AND metric_time >…


### File Text Array Foreign Data Wrapper for PostgreSQL This FDW is similar to the provided file_fdw, except that instead of the foreign table having named fields to match the fields in the data…


Also I'd need to compare the performance of this vs an FDW. If I do switch to an FDW, I'll probably use [Andrew Dunstan's `file_text_array_fdw`](https://github.


… is an initial working on a PostgreSQL's Foreign Data Wrapper (FDW) to query LDAP servers. By all means use it, but do so entirely at your own risk! You have been warned! Do you like to use it in…


But in alternatives (VOPS) format. VOPS FDW allows to "hide" specific of VOPS format and run normal SQL queries on VOPS tables. FDW allows the following: 1.


0.0 **Description** Shows the version of the installed OAI FDW and its main libraries. **Usage** ```sql SELECT OAI_Version(); oai fdw = 1.2.0, libxml = 2.9.10, libcurl = libcurl/7.74.0 OpenSSL/1.1.


postgresql.org/docs/current/static/file-fdw.html), pointing to a log, recorded in a [CSV format](https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/static/runtime-config-logging.


8 Problems ========== There is a problem running the fdw in Windows. Up to now this fdw can only run if the system local in Windows is set to English(United States).


… Non-blocking [concurrent table partitioning](#data-migration); * FDW support (foreign partitions); * Various [GUC](#disabling-pg_pathman) toggles and configurable settings.