51-70 of 70 found

User Guide

… how to start multiple drivers that use a different and distinct warehouse range: mode = 3 database_name = "dbt2" warehouses = 2 duration = 120 [[driver]] driver_addr = "localhost" database_addr =…

Appendix E. Veil2 Authentication Protocols

And the calling protocol has four distinct stages. Begin New Session We begin a session by calling create_session(). This returns a session_id and session_token which we must record and use on…


Since the replication setup involves 3 distinct types of activities: segment archival segment recovery database backupThese will be major parts of this document.

User Guide

This view contains one row for each distinct combination of metrics and whether it is a top-level statement or not (up to the maximum number of distinct statements that the module can track).


PostgreSQL UNIQUE cannot be specified in a select list. Specify DISTINCT instead.Migration procedure Use the following procedure to perform migration: Search for the keyword UNIQUE and identify where…

PostgreSQL Views and Functions

… | f | FUNCTION return_not_part_of_latin1 The function returns a distinct array containing all characters, which are not defined in latin1.

PostgreSQL Views and FunctionsRepositoriesBuilding the extensionInstallationTable of contentList of functions

… resfFUNCTION return_not_part_of_latin1 The function returns a distinct array containing all characters, which are not defined in latin1.

Chapter 20. Exploring The Veil2 Demos

privilege_assignments view: vpd=# select distinct privilege_id as priv_id, ass_cntxt_type_id as cntxt_type, vpd-# ass_cntxt_id as cntxt_id, scope_type_id as scope_type, vpd-# scope_id, ass_role_id as…


The escaping rule is the same as PostgreSQL. Distinction between multiple occurances of a table pg_hint_plan identifies the target object by using aliases if exists.


The escaping rule is the same as PostgreSQL. Distinction between multiple occurances of a table pg_hint_plan identifies the target object by using aliases if exists.

PostgreSQL Partition Manager Extension (pg_partman)

… boolean DEFAULT false ) A procedure that can partition data in distinct commit batches to avoid long running transactions and data contention issues.

Guildelines for Upgrading to pg_partman 5.0.1

… run both of these updates in quick succession, each in their own distinct transaction, you should wait until you can have a maintenance window that allows it before upgrading to 5.x or higher.

API Reference

… by pixels with the most frequent value in each cell: SELECT DISTINCT ON (h3) h3, val, (item).area FROM ( SELECT h3, val, h3_raster_class_summary_item_agg(summary) AS item FROM rasters…


now()) = 1, (select string_agg(distinct updated_at::text, ' ') from test__tbl); raise transaction_rollback; -- I could have use any error code, but this one seemed to fit best.


iterative_scan = strict_order; If filtering by only a few distinct values, consider partial indexing. CREATE INDEX ON items USING hnsw (embedding vector_l2_ops) WHERE (category_id = 123); If…

PostgreSQL Foreign Data Wrapper for OAI-PMH (oai_fdw)

… from 2022-01-01 until 2022-01-10 will be translated into 10 distinct requests to the OAI repository. start_date: Start date from the time window. end_date (optional): End date from the time window.

In-Memory Columnar Store (IMCS)

… group_by timeseries) returns timeseries Approximates number of distinct values in each group. group_by timeseries identifies groups: sequences of repeated values.

Vectorized Operations (VOPS)

Also it provides approaxdc for approximation of distinct count. Them can be used exactly in the same way as in normal SQL queries: select sum(l_extendedprice*l_discount) as revenue from vops_lineitem…

pgTAP 1.3.3

… to ok(), is() and isnt() compare their two arguments with IS NOT DISTINCT FROM (=) AND IS DISTINCT FROM (<>) respectively and use the result of that to determine if the test succeeded or failed.


-- There are no longer distinct "static" and "dynamic" partitioning modes. The features of each mode have been combined into a single trigger format.