
Pyrseas provides a framework and utilities to upgrade and maintain a PostgreSQL database.


  • Outputs a YAML/JSON description of a PostgreSQL database's tables and other objects (metadata), suitable for storing in a version control repository
  • Generates SQL statements to modify a database so that it willl match an input YAML/JSON specification
  • (planned) Generates an extended YAML description of a PostgreSQL database from its catalogs and from an extension specification.
  • (planned) Generates a flexible web application to update PostgreSQL tables


  • PostgreSQL 8.4 or higher
  • Python 2.6 or higher
  • argparse, if running under Python 2.6
  • (planned) Werkzeug
  • (planned) Jinja2


API Reference

Currently, the only external APIs are the classes ~pyrseas.lib.dbconn.DbConnection and ~pyrseas.database.Database and the methods ~pyrseas.database.Database.to_map and ~pyrseas.database.Database.diff_map of the latter. Other classes and methods are documented mainly for developer use.

Indices and tables

  • genindex
  • modindex
  • search